Experts, Officials Call for Deepening Int'l Education Cooperation

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Experts, Officials Call for Deepening Int'l Education Cooperation

ByWu Chaolan April 10, 2023
Experts, Officials Call for Deepening Int'l Education Cooperation
Chinese students attend a graduation ceremony at Columbia University in New York. [Xinhua]


Experts and officials worldwide called for increased international cooperation in education at a forum on studying overseas held in Beijing on April 7.

The high-profile forum, namely China Study Abroad Forum, attracted hundreds of guests and media representatives online and offline to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the education sector in the post-pandemic era.

Under the theme "Towards a better future: Enhancing international cooperation in education and talent development," the forum highlighted the need for greater collaboration and cooperation between countries, as well as the importance of sharing best practices and resources, especially after China's optimized COVID-19 response.

Participants agreed that the pandemic had disrupted education systems worldwide, particularly international education exchange, and emphasized the need to resume education cooperation and exchanges as soon as possible.

Liu Jin, Director General of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of China's Ministry of Education, noted that 1.3 million Chinese students currently study abroad in more than 110 countries and regions worldwide. She hailed them as an "important force and bridge" to promote cultural exchange, mutual understanding, and friendship between China and other countries.

Noting that China puts education development as a high priority, Liu pointed out that China encourages personnel exchange and strengthens connections and interactions with the world in education.

"There is a huge potential and broad prospect for cooperation in the field of education development between China and foreign countries," said Liu, adding that China will participate in educational services under bilateral and multilateral mechanisms and is willing to carry out long-term mutually beneficial complementary academic cooperation with all parties in various countries.

Besides encouraging Chinese students and scholars to study abroad, the country would also welcome people from all over the world to study in China. Liu noted that China would continue to improve the service level for international students and create a suitable environment for everyone to learn and train in China.

Bojan Tubić, the Assistant Minister of Serbia's Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, recently commended education exchanges and cooperation between China and Serbia and called for further collaboration.

"Serbia hopes to establish a long-term partnership with Chinese universities," said Tubić. "We are ready to work with the Chinese side in building higher education that supports research achievements."

"Serbia will participate in the cooperation of higher education under the framework of bilateral cooperation between the two countries," he said.

Jessica Gallagher, vice chancellor of the University of Adelaide in Australia, spoke highly of the Chinese government and agencies' roles in promoting international academic exchange and collaborations between China and the rest of the world. She highlighted the great benefits of international collaboration in education and expressed the expectation to deepen education cooperation with China.

"We are focused on Chinese comprehensive strategic partners and the significant potential of our new bilateral relationship [in the education sector]," Gallagher said.


(Source: People's Daily Online)


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